We know that you care about protecting our planet. So, if you’re looking for an eco-friendly dentist in Dallas, TX, then you’ll love the conscientious doctors at Lakewood Dental Group. Dr. Shaun Sigurdson and Dr. Mihir Patel prioritize paperless charting so that they can do their part to limit our practice’s carbon footprint
But, paperless charting isn’t just good for the environment–it’s good for our patients, too! Electronic health records (EHR) are quickly changing the quality of care and attention to detail that patients can (and should!) expect from their dentists.
Paperless Charting Is More Convenient
Picture this–you walk into a dentist’s office with your phone, keys, and wallet in your hands. Maybe your hair is in your face or maybe your child just decided to take up the 100-meter dash, but your attention is divided and your hands are much too full. The last thing you want is for someone to thrust a clipboard full of paperwork into your arms!
We’ve all been there, and the team at Lakewood Dental Group gets it. That’s why we make things easier for you with paperless charting. No more flipping through page after page of questions or searching for a pen at the bottom of your purse–just simple and easy electronic data transfer.
All of Your Dental Records In One Location
In the past, dental teams would shove paperwork, X-rays, and other information into a manilla folder in a filing cabinet. This often led to misplaced dental records and information. As a result, patients frequently had to redo paperwork or X-rays just so the dentist could have the most up-to-date information on file.
With an EHR, misplaced paperwork and information are no longer an issue. All of our team members have access to the same EHR program, so we can see and update each patient’s file at the touch of a button.
Additionally, an EHR limits the risk of fraud. Paper records aren’t always appropriately protected, which means that a patient’s sensitive data could fall into the wrong hands. But, having strong security measures in place with an EHR means that only our trusted Lakewood team members can access patients’ important information.
Transfer Your Records Easily With Paperless Charting
Sometimes, patients need to send their dental records to their insurance providers or another practitioner. In the past, requesting a transfer of dental records either required the patient to pick up their records or trust that their provider securely sent all of the pertinent information to the correct party.
With paperless charting, it’s never been easier for patients to safely request a transfer of their dental records. Our Lakewood team can easily send patients’ records to a verified third party, and we ensure that all records are transferred securely.
Paperless Charting Is Better For the Environment
Paperless charting significantly reduces the amount of waste that our dental office produces. No more forgetting to recycle paper or throwing away plastic pens–just eco-friendly and safe paperless charting!
See How Paperless Charting Improves Your Dental Experience
If you’re curious to see how a Lakewood dentist can improve your dental experience with paperless charting, then schedule an appointment today! The team at Lakewood Dental Group is ready to show you how EHRs are paving the path to better dental care.
New and existing patients can schedule an appointment by calling (214) 827-1885 or by sending us a secure message online here.